So I lie in this attic room, and try to sleep. Most nights sleep brings memories of pain and loss, of war and death, of things I have never seen, and things I would rather not see.
Yet every night I throw myself into sleep, for instead of the damnable city that lurks outside of my walls I may dream of you my love.
A moment of peace is all I seek, to sleep here and feel you beside me, it is too much to ask I know. Yet still I strive for sleep and do so that I might dream of you.
I am tired almost to death, the endless days without you wear me down. I am so much less than what I was the last time I found you that I fear if you saw me now you would not recognise me, that you would see nothing of worth left in me. So I sleep, and hope for dreams that I know when I wake will make me weep.
I will find you my love. Though it take a thousand lives each as terrible as this I will find you. They cannot keep us apart forever.
And if they try... They will see me go to war.
Ivy grows over the walls of my room. A cocoon against the world.